About us

The best thing a human being can do is to help another human being know more”

– Charlie Munger

Our Vision is derived from those simple words by Charlie Munger, we have a responsibility to help human beings through our expertise and knowledge to outgrow themselves. Adding and most importantly sustaining value in the long run.

We at Sarvashay, are very much committed to make sure that every cent that comes into our hands, are being transferred to businesses and securities to create maximum value for its holders. We take pride and honour in saying that we don’t want people to come to us for short term gains, we do long-term investing, and we very much believe in compounding as, our main business model revolves around compounding.

We have accumulated certain learnings and knowledge over the years from our mentors including, Warren Buffett, Charlie Munger, John Templeton, Ben Graham. At our core we try an understand businesses , their eco system and also their trigger points so we can exploit those when we are presented with different opportunities.