I am a very firm believer of understanding and measuring investments through eyes of a person who can only invests where the odds are highly highly skewed against his/her favour.
In the meltdown of 2007/08 crises I went back and found there where marketable securities which where giving the holder a chance of getting them at 10cents to a Dollar. I have always understood that we can sit out in the markets for years and years but once we get the position its final , And as Warren Buffett once said , ” In the long run time is your friend and in short your foe “
Sarvashay always try to do that, Keeping away from losers and as result winner will take care of themselves , we never try to out smart the sharpest , loudest or biggest mind on the table. We only understand solid identifiable value at a bargain price and we tend to just stay there. There is and will never be a rocket science to what we do and achieve , we just try tone at the right place at the right price.
Always a defensive approach with few attacks , that’s what is the key .